
Do you want to be a writer?

Do you like science-fiction like Star Trek? Fantasy like Lord of the Rings? Or maybe something in-between like Star Wars? Are you obsessed with tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons?

You could create the next big franchise, or build a career contributing to an existing property! But who has the time and money for an expensive creative writing degree?

The Adventure Writing Academy provides reasonably priced online writing instruction to help you realize your dream of being a working writer. We do this by helping you train your ear and hone your craft through the Story Workshop Method, a teaching pedagogy pioneered by John Schultz and Betty Shiflett at Columbia College Chicago.  This method is proven to improve students’ writing and strengthen their voice.

We designed our courses for writers who like Science Fiction and Fantasy books and movies, and who love tabletop role-playing games that deal with the same kinds of settings and stories. Our selected readings, expectations of student work, and general discussion embrace these genres wholeheartedly. We even bring in guest students and lecturers that work in the industry! Past guests have included RPG Designer Jay Little, author Christopher Rowe, and editor Katrina Ostrander, among many others.

Have you always wanted to develop your writing? What are you waiting for, explore the site to learn more, and enroll today!