2023 Courses

Beginners: Intro To Creative Writing I

Students develop basic writing skills, including a focus on developing voice. Major forms are explored, as well as focus areas on use of Point of View, character, place, and action. These major skills are explored through in-class writings and readings, as well as homework assignments that vacillate between fiction and RPG assignments. Readings are generally genre selections, including sci-fi, fantasy, horror, RPG text, and more.

  • Develop your core Creative Writing Skills
  • Learn from industry writing professionals, including game designer Jay Little (Star Wars RPG, X-Wing, 2D20)

Upcoming Courses:

Classes require a minimum of 6 students to run, and take a maximum of 10 students. Dates are set when we achieve 6 confirmed pre-registrations.

  • Group 23A: “Wizards” (Saturdays, 3 PM to 7 PM EST) – Start Date: 14 January 2023
    NO seats available!
  • Group 23B: “Rangers” (Saturdays, 3 PM to 7 PM EST) – Start Date: TBD 2023
    10 seats available! Enroll Now
  • Group 23C: “Dragons” (Fridays, 7 PM to 11 PM EST) – Start Date: TBD 2023
    10 seats available! Enroll Now

Intermediate: RPG Writing I

Students explore the breadth of forms specific to RPG writing, which includes writing character profiles, rules, system and core mechanics, settings, GM advice, and more. The class also explores ten of the most popular core rulesets in use today, with a special eye toward open gaming license (OGL) systems and those employing the bulk of freelancers in the industry. Readings include a variety of RPG texts, as well as some genre source material for licensed games.

This course requires that students complete Intro to Creative Writing I before enrolling.

Upcoming Classes:

  • Group A – Start Date: TBD 2023
    Less than 6 seats available! Enroll Now


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    It's time to write your own adventure!

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