Course Category: Saturday Class

RPG Writing Workshop

Students develop critical writing skills, including a focus on developing voice. Major forms are explored, as well as focus areas on use of Point of View, character, place, and action. These major skills are explored through in-class writings and readings, Read more…

Students explore the breadth of forms specific to RPG writing, which includes writing character profiles, rules, system and core mechanics, settings, GM advice, and more. The class also explores ten of the most popular core rulesets in use today, with Read more…

Students develop critical writing skills, including a focus on developing voice. Major forms are explored, as well as focus areas on use of Point of View, character, place, and action. These major skills are explored through in-class writings and readings, Read more…

Students explore the breadth of forms specific to RPG writing, which includes writing character profiles, rules, system and core mechanics, settings, GM advice, and more. The class also explores ten of the most popular core rulesets in use today, with Read more…